LandSale Rounds Mechanics Explained
Hi there, Dark Country heroes of today and future landlords of tomorrow!
We are very happy to see how many whitelist requests we have received for our Land Sale on Flow. And now it’s time to share the exact Pre- and Main Sale mechanics.
The overall Dark Country Flow Land Sale process will be split into several parts this way:
May TBA. Day of Land Pre-Sale. The Pre-Sale will be split into 2 rounds:
Pre-Sale Round 1. Whitelisted users only.
Pre-Sale Round 2. Whitelisted users only.
(Possible TBA: Main Sale Round. All users are welcome.)
Let’s have a closer look at what’s going to happen on the Day of Sale. We’ve decided to split the Pre-Sale into two rounds to ensure fair distribution of reserved packs among all the whitelisted users.
During the 1st Round of Pre-Sale user can purchase a number of packs that doesn’t exceed the number reserved during whitelisting. After the 1st Round if there are Land packs left, whitelisted users can buy more packs (up to 3 in total) during the 2nd Pre-Sale round.
Pre-Sale Round 1.
24 hours before Round 1 the Land Packs purchase page will be available from the main screen of the Land Sale landing page. On the Purchase page, users can sign in with their Blocto wallets and pass the validity check right away.
If the entered Blocto wallet is whitelisted and verified, the user will see a countdown timer to the Pre-Sale Round 1 start.
If the account is not valid — then the user will be asked to come back during the Main Sale phase.
When the Pre-Sale Round 1 starts, the user enters the Purchase page, receives a queue number and will see an approximate time left to the actual purchase can be done, as well as a number of packs reserved by the user.
Once the user’s queue time has come, the user will be able to choose the number of packs the user wants to buy.
The amount of each kind of pack available for a single account will be limited to the number the user reserved during whitelisting.
After the number of packs to buy is chosen, the user clicks the “Purchase” button and confirms the transaction. Done!
When the Pre-Sale Round 1 is over, the Pre-Sale Round 2 starts.
Pre-Sale Round 2.
The Pre-Sale Round 2 starts several hours after the Pre-Sale Round 1 in case there are packs left for sale.
During this round whitelisted users go through the same process as above: sign in, pass validation, get a queue number, wait in a queue and then choose the number of packs they want to buy, but this time a user can choose up to 3 packs in total.
Round 2 is over when all the packs are sold out or the time for Round 2 is over.
Main Sale Round.
If there are packs left after the Pre-Sale Round 1 and 2, the Main Sale will be announced additionally. Any user can participate.
Just in case all the explanation above might seem complicated, let’s have a look at an example of this process:
- The user has registered for the Whitelist and has chosen 3 of Rancho packs (the small one), 2 of Mayor’s packs (the middle one) and 1 of Governor’s pack (the biggest). By the day of the Sale, the user’s whitelist submission is verified.
- Within 24 hours before the Pre-Sale Round 1, the user comes to the Land Sale Landing page, opens the land Purchase page and signs in with the Flow wallet email. Once the validity check is passed, he ends up seeing the number of packs the user reserved and waits until Round 1 starts.
- When the Pre-Sale Round 1 starts, the user comes to the Land Sale landing page, clicks the Pre-Sale button and ends up on the Purchase Page with the user’s Queue number (let’s say #37) and timer displayed (7m:30s till Purchase).
- After waiting is over, the user can make a Round 1 purchase. The user can choose up to 3 Rancho packs, up to 2 Mayor’s packs and 1 Governor’s pack.
- When the choice is done, the user hits the “Purchase button” and confirms the transaction.
At this point the Pre-Sale Round 1 is over for the user.
If the user wants to buy some more packs — the user can enter the Pre-Sale Round 2, pass the automatic verification for whitelisters again, and trust his luck to choose more packs out of what’s left for sale after Round 1.
That’s the process. Feel free to ask questions in our chats!
Good luck on Pre-Sale!
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Thank you for checking out what we’ve been working on, we look forward to seeing you battling out in the Dark Country soon!
The Dark Country Team