Heroes Airdrop — Free NFTs for Flow Landowners

Dark Country
2 min readApr 29, 2022

Hello, all Dark Country users and followers, specifically — Flow landowners!

Today we are happy to announce the details of the Heroes on Flow airdrop, which will happen on Wednesday/Thursday next week.

Details and terms to receive Heroes

You will receive Heroes, if:

For each staked Flow Land you will receive 3 Heroes. Thus, if you have 10 Lands staked on our website, you will be rewarded with 30 Heroes.

We will automatically drop Heroes to your Flow account and you will be able to access them in your inventory and landtest website.

Make sure you staked all of your assets before Wednesday 1 pm UTC. After this time we will start the distribution of Heroes, which will take us 1–2 days.

Stay tuned in our chats, turn on the notifications for the announcements channels and don’t miss our big upcoming update, which will allow you to play Dark Country and earn!

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Thank you for checking out what we’ve been working on, we look forward to seeing you battling out in the Dark Country soon!

Dark Country Team



Dark Country

american gothic, CCG based game, where assets owned by users