Dark Country Heroes Staking and reForge

Dark Country
4 min readJan 5, 2021


Article agenda

  1. Staking of heroes, stake and earn
  2. reForge of heroes, make a new hero
  3. Staking stages start with rare heroes
  4. Final countdown on Heroes sale End of January 2021

Heroes Reforge

Reforging is a process of burning 4 heroes of the same type (type is defined by name) and rarity into new improved ones.

There are 4 levels of reforged heroes. Reforged heroes can be used for staking, as it improves staking rewards. Here’s a table of staking rewards based on rarity and level. When a hero is reforged a new hero will appear with max stats of heroes of that particular rarity.


  • Reforge Rare Hero Lvl 1: 1 point
  • Reforge Rare Hero Lvl 2: 5 points
  • Reforge Rare Hero Lvl 3: 25 points
  • Reforge Rare Hero Lvl 4: 125 points


  • Reforge Epic Hero Lvl 1: 4 points
  • Reforge Epic Hero Lvl 2: 21 points
  • Reforge Epic Hero Lvl 3: 105 points
  • Reforge Epic Hero Lvl 4: 530 points


  • Reforge Legendary Hero Lvl 1: 28 points
  • Reforge Legendary Hero Lvl 2: 140 points
  • Reforge Legendary Hero Lvl 3: 700 points
  • Reforge Legendary Hero Lvl 4: 3500 points

Mythical and DC Collectors

  • Regular Mythical Hero 115 pt
  • Regular DC Collectors 1380 pt

Each level consists of 4 items of the previous level, so if you have 4 rare heroes (say Easy Rider) you will receive one Lvl1 Reforged Rare Hero (Easy Rider).

Heroes staking

Staking is part of the Dark Country economy, it will be enabled by February 1st 2021.

For the first 8 weeks staking rewards will come from a pool that has fixed and variable parts.

Fixed pool has different WAX funds per week for an initial 8 weeks (and more), granted by Dark Country team. The variable pool has 2.5% fees from secondary market fees on the Atomic Market only from the previous week period.

After 8 weeks the staking pool will consist only of fees from the secondary market, but we will add some NFT rewards as well.

Staking also will have weekly leaderboards, for TOP 5 places. We will distribute Dark Country packs to those who are at the top of leaderboard.

  • 1st place: 2 Champion Heroes Packs
  • 2nd place: 1 Champion Heroes Pack
  • 3rd place: 3 Adventure Heroes Packs
  • 4th place: 2 Adventure Heroes Packs
  • 5th place: 1 Adventure Heroes Pack

Note. Leaderboards are subject to change, as we will have limited remaining promotional Hero packs.

Staking rules

The staking week ends at 12PM UTC on Monday, so all rewards will be executed at that time and a new cycle will start.

Once you stake your hero, rewards are starting to accumulate. If you unstake a hero anytime before rewards are distributed, you will lose rewards for that hero.
Once you’ve staked your hero, we start counting how many seconds it was staked per hero per week.

This makes a simple formula -

The stake value is a relative value, that also will be used to get paid per one hero.

Payout formula will apply:

Staking rounds

We are enabling staking based on rarity.

  • 1st week is the first round, so only reForged RARE heroes will be available for staking.
  • 2nd week is a second round, so reForged RARE and EPIC heroes will be available for staking.
  • 3rd week is a third-round, so reForged RARE and EPIC and LEGENDARY heroes will be available for staking.
  • 4th week is the round when all heroes will be available for staking, which means adding Mythical and DC Collectors Heroes.

Download the game and Play!🃏

☠️ Get your Dark Country NFTs

Buy heroes https://darkcountry.io/shop/heroes
Buy packs https://darkcountry.io/shop

☠️ Unpack your DC packs

Exodus card packs unpacker: https://darkcountry.io/unpacker
Hero packs unpacker: https://darkcountry.io/heroes/unpacker

☠️ Join our community!

Discord: https://discord.gg/8R4SaZY
Telegram: https://t.me/dark_country
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkCountryGame



Dark Country
Dark Country

Written by Dark Country

american gothic, CCG based game, where assets owned by users

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